Who is Belinda?

I am a continual work in progress who also happens to be, with much grace from God, married to my best friend for almost 20 years.

We have three beautiful children–our son is “sandwiched” by two daughters.

I am a homeschool teacher, but I also teach “big kids” as a college instructor.   My most important role is to be a servant for the Most High.

Finally, I am a business owner and writer.   God has anointed me to write American history curriculum and related products that feature the African-American presence in  building this great nation.

I would love for you to visit the product site at http://www.blessedheritage.com.    If you’d care to link with me elsewhere, I also contribute regularly to Heart of the Matter as a writer, and less regularly to the Carnival of Homeschooling.    Finally, feel free to join me over at the Homeschool Lounge, or to follow me on Twitter!

What else is there to know about me?    I am a sports fan (NFL lover, NBA liker), a mediocre seamstress, and a scrapbooker whose tools have collected dust for far too long.    I enjoy reading with my children, and I love to travel.

However you found me, welcome, and I pray that you’ll be blessed as you share in the chronicles of our family’s journey.    If you’d like, feel free to e-mail me at belinda.bullard@blessedheritage.com.

2 comments on “Who is Belinda?

  1. D says:

    Thank you so much for the work that you do. I am amazed that there is someone working on bringing in more of the African American experience into discussion of how the U.S. was built. I sincerely appreciate it.

Your two cents, please!